Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Musical Commentary

I just feel like saying, and simply for the fact that it happens to be playing on C4 TV at the moment, that my favourite song at this particular point in time is Tiki Taane's "Tanagroa - God of the Sea". I first saw this song on TV months ago. I noted down Tiki Taane's name (as although I like Salmonella Dub & Rhombus, I had not put in the research to learn band member's names). Unfortunately, "Tangaroa" wasn't played when I was watching for many months. Instead "Always on my mind" became Tiki's hit. I guess it's just me, but I'm not so in to soppy songs, so it didn't appeal to me. I was a little saddened that it's popularity over-shadowed "Tangaroa".

Thankfully, with the Vodafone Music Awards coming up, "Tangaroa" is being played. Hearing it the other day reminded me how much I had liked it the first time I heard it. So I purchased it from

Now I can't wait to play it in my car (with it's twin 12in subs). I don't drive often - I live within walking distance of work... if you consider 45mins walking distance.

So, anyway, where was I? Oh, right... this is just a shout-out to an awesome Kiwi song. I hope it's the beginnings of more songs with a good chunk of Te Reo getting out there.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

How original

Well, I am going to start my very own blog, by linking to someone else's, here.

The main reason for that is that I have decided to start a blog, of sorts, but I don't have the time to write at this point in time, so I have stolen someone else's ideas. Oh well, at least I have linked to them, and not taken the credit.

Hey, I would have thought that a blog site would include the word "blog" in their dictionary, but by the way it keeps getting a red line under it, I can deduce that Blogspot hasn't. Look, a clever word "deduce"... I could have said "guess", "assume"... all sorts of other things that came to mind. But, no. I wanted to sound a little bit clever. Does that make you want to read my future posts?

Anyway, I shall return in time to add to this short post. Hang in there, my avid non-existent reader.